Micros Support
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Micros Support

Everything you need to add gift or loyalty capabilities to your Micros POS.

If you are a salesperson or a merchant and you are interested in learning more about what is involved in enabling gift and/or loyalty cards on a Micros system, please read the Micros Guidelines information sheet.

e7 System Setup

If you are a Micros technician setting up gift and/or loyalty on an e7 system, you need these files:

RES-3700 Setup

If you are a Micros technician setting up gift and/or loyalty on an RES-3700 system, you need these files:

Updating STS Host Adapter

If you need to upgrade your STS Host Adapter software from a previously installed version, use the following procedure:

  1. Note all of the settings from the current host adapter in case you need to re-enter them.
  2. Use Windows to uninstall the current copy of STS Translator (aka Load Balancer)
  3. Make sure that the shortcut to the old copy of the Host Adapter has been removed from the Startup folder:
    1. Right-click on the Windows Start button and click Explore All Users.
    2. Open the Programs folder.
    3. Open the Startup folder.
    4. Delete the shortcut to the old copy of the Host Adapter.
  4. Download and install the new STS Host Adapter file (download).

Contact us today to get started creating your perfect solution.